Instructional Technology Strategies Conference – Portland – Last Days to Register!

ITSC11I'm pleased to be invited as a guest blogger to the Instructional Technology Strategies Conference (ITSC) Feb 20-22 in Portland, Oregon. More  I'll be there, but you better hurry up and register. Registration closes on Wed 2/16!

ITSC 2011 (twitter/ITSCPDX) is hands-on conference with a focus on the practical use of technology in the classroom – workshops are small sessions led by facilitators, not presenters. Plus, I'm available to lead Portland brewpub tours!

Here's a great "ITSC11" SlideShare by Sacha Chua: "The Shy Connector’s Guide to Getting Ready for Conference Awesomeness"  Hope to see you at ITSC11 in PDX!

Blogging from ITSC 2011

ITSC cvent

I'm pleased to be invited as a guest blogger to the Instructional Technology Strategies Conference 2/20-22 in Portland, Oregon. More on the conference.

ITSC 2011 (twitter/ITSCPDX) is hands-on conference with a clear focus on the practical use of technology in the classroom – workshops are small sessions led by facilitators, not presenters. The facilitator roster includes many of my favorite educators to follow on Twitter – including @ScottElias  @timlauer  @elemenous  @budtheteacher  @shareski  @irasocol  As a recent transplant to Portland, I'll be available to give guided tours of our many fine brewpubs. 

The conference is being held at the Airport Sheraton – a short hop to Portland – a great city for food, drink and live music. Check Willamette Week for updates on what's going on. A visit to Powell's City of Books is mandatory – it's the largest independent used and new bookstore in the world. Note: for more on the "keep Portland weird" thing, see Portlandia on IFC.

Transport to the city from the conference is quick and affordable. The Portland thing to do would be ride your bike, but you can take a 35 min MAX light-rail ride (only $2.30). Once you get to TriMet's fareless square downtown, the MAX and street cars are free.  Or call Radio Cab (honest, owner-owned cabbies)  and ask for the "Radio Flyer special" ($26 downtown – airport). It's about a 15 drive to downtown, the eastside is even closer!

Be on the lookout for me at ITSC 2011. I'll be roaming the conference with my camera and Flip Video. You'll find my tweets @edteck using hashtag #ITSC11. My last guest blogging was done at ASCD in San Antonio. Click here to see the Prezi updates and Twitter visualizations I used to cover the conference.

ASCD Conference 2010 – The Prezi Updates – Final Installment

This is my final Prezi report on the San Antonio ASCD 2010 conference. Producing six reports in three days involved a bit of a learning curve. When I get a chance I intend to write a "how-to" post with Prezi tips. Thanks to ASCD for inviting me to be a guest blogger at the conference. They are great people and gracious hosts.  I met so many wonderful educators at the conference. Thanks for all you do!  Direct link to this Prezi


For all my ASCD conference coverage click here.

Download CompassLearning ACSD Pulse Poll Results

ASCD Conference 2010 – Prezi Report 5

Here's my latest Prezi documenting Sunday afternoon at the 2010 ASCD conference in San Antonio. Click the arrow, give it moment to load, then click to advance and navigate.      Direct link to this Prezi


ASCD 2010 on Prezi

For all my ASCD conference coverage click here

BTW – You can find the cub scout YouTube yideo here