ASCD 2011 Conference: Social Media Highlights – Friday

Golden-gate I'm following the ASCD conference in San Francisco via the social web. Here's the best of the feed from Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Flickr and SlideShare.

Be sure to tag your posts with #ASCD11 so I can include your content in my daily updates.  (Hint: how about posting some photos and videos!) Stop back, I'll be updating through the day. Have a great conference. … Sorry I can't be there! Image credit: flickr/-ratamahatta-

ITSC 11 Conference Prezi Cast (Day 2)

Prezi cast 2 This post wraps up my work as guest blogger at the Instructional Technology Strategies Conference 2/20-22, 2011 in Portland, Oregon. It was my first ITSC conference, but it won't be my last. A very impressive line up of facilitators and knowledgeable participants. I'll be back next year! Enjoy the Prezi.

See more of my ITSC11 posts

More of my Prezis. 


ITSC 11 Conference Prezi Cast



I'm pleased to be invited as a guest blogger to the Instructional Technology Strategies Conference 2/20-22 in Portland, Oregon. Here's the first installment.



Big hat tip to Mike Gwaltney who helped gather content. Be sure to stop by his blog  "Democratizing Knowledge" for more ITSC 11 coverage.

Stay tuned for more of my ITSC11 posts
Don't forget to conference tweet use hashtag #ITSC11
More of my Prezis 



2 Twitter Visualizers: Follow the Backchannel at ITSC 2011 Conference

Nametag_logo_itsc11 I’m pleased to be invited as a guest blogger to the Instructional Technology Strategies Conference 2/20-22 in Portland, Oregon. To help live and virtual attendees follow the backchannel here’s two Twitter visualizers based on the the conference hashtag #ITSC11.      

Also – here’s my Prezi intro to Portland.

Wiffiti Screen
(2/27/11 Note) Since this visualization is time sensitive, I have posted a short video screen shot. 

Twitter StreamGraph 

Flowing graph of the words most frequently used in the latest 1000 tweets marked with the hashtag #itsc11
View full screen

(2/27/11 Note) Since this visualization is time sensitive, I have posted a screen shot. For the next few weeks you can click on link to live versions.


My Portland Prezi Preview to the ITSC 11 Conference


I'm pleased to be invited as a guest blogger to the Instructional Technology Strategies Conference (ITSC) Feb 20-22. Here's my Prezi introduction to my adopted city of Portland, Oregon. Looking forward to meeting all of you.

Stay tuned for more of my ITSC11 posts.  

Don't forget to conference tweet use hashtag #ITSC11

More of my Prezis