I have 20 FREE multi-touch iBooks available at iTunes
My favorite is Portland’s Japantown Revealed It features a very cool widget that allow readers to blend historic figures into contemporary settings. Watch the video demo here.
Homefront America in WWII. These enhanced, multi-touch ebooks feature historic posters, rare films, long-lost pamphlets plus numerous communiqués, graphs, maps, letters, photographs and recordings. CCSS-based prompts guide the student through an evaluation of the artifacts. The ebooks are filled with links to public domain wartime media, so students can freely curate their own WWII projects.
Recruiting Rosie: The Sales Pitch That Won a War
Why We Fight: WWII and the Art of Public Persuasion
Workers Win the War: Toil and Sacrifice on the US Homefront
Quick Start: iBooks Author A how to guide for self-publishing
Progress and Poverty in Industrial America An exploration of America’s Industrial Revolution
My University of Portland School of Education Social Studies Methods class has created 5 books:
Exploring History: Vol V – Six Document-Based Lessons Fall ’17
Exploring History: Vol IV – Eight Document Based Lessons Fall ’16
Exploring History: Vol III – Thirteen Document Based Lessons Fall ’15
Exploring History: Vol II – Ten Document Based Lessons Fall ’14
Exploring History: Vol I Ten Document Based Lessons Fall ’13
My Ed tech class has created 2 books:
Tech Tips for Teachers: Spring ’17
Lessons in Critical Thinking is designed by my edTechMethods class (spring ’16) fights “fake news” with critical thinking lessons in science, math, literature and media literacy.
The Student as Historian is based on my teacher’s workshop sponsored by the Library of Congress’ TPS program. It includes both the training materials and fourteen teacher-designed document-based questions for grades 4 through high school.
Alaskan History and Culture: Summer 2016 took me to University of Alaska Southeast in Juneau. Working with 37 MAT preservice teachers, we designed six regional Alaskan history and culture iBooks. PBL meets culturally responsive teaching. Available free at iTunes or as pdfs
Below you will find links to many of my publications. They reflect an ongoing interest in American history, civics, assessment design, instructional design, technology integration and staff development. Some publications are available in pdf format.
History / Civics
Timeline: 60 Historic Graphic Novels
History advisor to series
(Toronto: Rubicon, 2007)
Civic Decision Making
Supplement to: Civics – Government and Citizenship, Jack Fraenkel
(Needham: Prentice-Hall, 1990).
Great Debates in American History
Supplement to: A History of the United States, Daniel Boorstin,
(Needham: Prentice-Hall, 1989).
Work, Culture and Society in Industrial America
Document Based Questions by Peter Pappas
Self-published pdf’s
Teaching with Documents ICSS Journal, Fall 1999
Invaders Came From the North Upstate Magazine, July 1987.
Mock Trials for the Classroom Self Published
Social Studies Curriculum Resource Guide,
New York State Education Department 1997
Manuscript reviewer:
Reviewing United States and New York History. Amsco Books, 2002
Social Education, National Council for the Social Studies, 1985 – 1987
Presidential Election Kit – 1992, Prentice-Hall, 1992
Instructional and Program Design
Building K- 12 Teams, Building District Standards
SAANYS Journal, Winter 1998
Summer Prep School: Academic Intervention That Works
SAANYS Journal, Winter 2000
Samples of surveys and inventories
Program Designer / Co-host “Papyrus,” Four-hour live television broadcast funded by
NYS Council for the Arts, WXXI-TV, and aired May 31, 1975
Take a Skills Snapshot Multi Media Schools, May 1999
Writer, Computer Test Bank: A History of the United States, Daniel Boorstin,
(Needham: Prentice-Hall, 1988).
Item Writer, Stanford Test of Academic Skills, Harcourt Brace, 1986
Web Design Guides (self-published pdf’s)
Design Your Web Site from Bottom Up
Web Site Design for Teachers: Making The Internet Connection