Please note that Prezi’s embed options have changed.
I updated this post on July 16, 2011.
Prezi is a great presentation software that replaces the lineal PowerPoint style with the ability to present text, videos and images in a unique zooming style. Here are samples of how I use Prezi in a variety of settings.
Here’s How to Embed
1. Open your online Prezi presentation and look for the Share tab (lower right in this screen shot.) Click share.
2. You will get the dialog box below. When you choose “</> Embed” tab the dialog box expands and reveal your embed settings. You may want to adjust the pixel size to fit into your blog columns. Copy and paste the html code into your blog.
woo, thanks man!
Haven’t got it all sussed yet but I am so impressed:
Short and self-explanatory: Powerpoint is dead! 🙂
really thank you!
I’ve just successfully embedded 2 presentations on my blog by folowing your guidance here – works like a treat so thanks so much – this has made a great resource even more useful to me – you’re a star!
Glad it worked for you. Send me the URL’s of the Prezis (or post them here) so I can take a look.
Cheers, Peter
Dear Peter,
I have spent the past 30 minutes locating the download link for the offline player, but unsuccessfully. I have even signed up for a new account to see what happens then. This probably isn’t the place to post this comment, but I’m kind of frustrated 🙂 Could you please enlighten me and tell me where it can be downloaded?
Kind regards,
AH, I figured out that you can just download each presentation. Probably a good idea to include that in the manual somewhere 🙂 Keep up the good work!
Sander, Glad you got it figured out. Each time you download a finished presentation, you get an off-line “player.” With the paid version you get an off-line app to create and play Prezis. I haven’t tried it yet.
Works like a charm! Thanks.
Can i download the Prezi slides from showcase.
I suggest you check out
I haven’t been helped by any directions on embedding a prezi. Not even the manual explains it sufficiently for me. It simply tells me where I get a public link and then tells me to copy to clipboard some excessively long code which seems to have no function whatever. If anyone has ENUMERATED, sequential, literal, plain spoken steps for this process, I would appreciate it.
I’m liking Prezi, but so far have not been able to convert PPT die-hards to the alternatives; they’re stuck in the linear manner PPT forces on the presentation style.
Thanks for the post, regards, David
Hi David,
Here’s my plea to these folks …
“Dear PPT die-hards you can embed a path through a Prezi and just keep clicking advance. Then if you get a brainstorm or audience question, you can zoom or pan to something off the path.”
Keep fighting the good fight, David. PPT in the wrong hands is just an automated overhead projector!
Hi, I want to embed my prezi presentations on my website. I´ve just applied it into html, and it seemes to work only when I´m logged into account on I dont know how to make it work constantly, regardless of whether I am connected and on all browsers. please help. thank you very much! this is the site:
ah, maybe it’s because I do not want to share my presentations on Is it possible to export the prezi, such as swf or even fla format? it would be great.)I beleive youre competent. thank you!
Hi Radecho – here’s Prezis’ updated guide to embedding:
Go to Share
If your prezi is private click on Generate embed key
Set embed details like size
Choose simple or free navigation
Click to Copy to clipboard for your code
Once you pasted into your blog, in an embedded prezi:
-You can see the title & description before it loads
-It’s very simple to navigate
-There are options for fullscreen, autoplay, embed
-‘Where am I?’ button shows where you, well, are
Embedded prezis will have a shaded border around them, to give the impression of another layer beneath the browser’s surface. If you want our shaded border to match your background color, change the ‘color’ property. Auto-play enabled prezis still need one user interaction – to press the play at the start. Simple navigation, and auto play need paths.
Note: If you embed a private prezi on a public site, it can be seen by anyone who knows that URL
Portable prezi is an exported/downloaded version of your prezi presentation, which works without internet access, without a prezi account, and without Prezi Desktop.
You can use it to preset where you don’t have access to the internet, or deliver to conference organizers. It contains a non-editable version of your prezi, and a player software for Windows and Mac.
When you download a Portable Prezi pack, you can:
-Present without an internet connection on a Mac or PC.
-Embedded YouTube videos can only be played when you are online.
-Burn your prezi on CD/DVD.
-Distribute your prezi.
Please note that a portable prezi cannot be edited. Edit on, Prezi Desktop, and download/export again if you need to make changes.
How to Create a Portable Prezi
1. Go to
2. Click on your Prezi
3. Click on the Present tab on the left
4. Click ‘Download…’
5. Click ‘Start Downloading’
6. You will receive a zip file. Save it.
7. Unzip, and start Prezi.exe / app
Using Prezi Desktop
1. Click on your Prezi
2. Choose Export
3. Give a file name, location
4. Unzip, and start Prezi.exe / app
Hi Radecho – here’s Prezis’ updated guide to embedding:
Go to Share
If your prezi is private click on Generate embed key
Set embed details like size
Choose simple or free navigation
Click to Copy to clipboard for your code
Once you pasted into your blog, in an embedded prezi:
-You can see the title & description before it loads
-It’s very simple to navigate
-There are options for fullscreen, autoplay, embed
-‘Where am I?’ button shows where you, well, are
Embedded prezis will have a shaded border around them, to give the impression of another layer beneath the browser’s surface. If you want our shaded border to match your background color, change the ‘color’ property. Auto-play enabled prezis still need one user interaction – to press the play at the start. Simple navigation, and auto play need paths.
Note: If you embed a private prezi on a public site, it can be seen by anyone who knows that URL
Hello Peter,
I am trying to embed my prezi on my website and the only embeding code that works (when I make it public) takes the viewer into the back bit of my actual account – not good.
Do you have to have a pais account to use the embedding codes the way you describe them? I have an educational use one…..
Please help and thank you so much,
Hi Celina,
Thanks so much for your comment. It caused me to go back and see that my instruction were now out of date because of a change that Prezi had made to the embed process. I updated this post with new information / screenshots. I hope this solves your problem.
PS – You don’t specify what blogging tool you are using. That might be part of your problem. This process works for me using TypePad.
Hi Peter,
I am trying to embed prezin onto a blog I have with wordpress but after changing the pixels and making the presentation public, I am only able to create a link that takes me to the site.
I have copied the embedded code from prezi, pasted it onto my blog page, and it is automatically creating a link to Prezi. I would like my prezi to appear as yours does in this post.
Please advice and thanks in advance.
December 2010
Hi Mr.
Try this WordPress Prezi plugin and let me know how it goes.
Cheers ~ Peter
hi peter!
unlike your other prezi-posts, your prezi in this one autoloads and has no bottom-bar with controls and the prezi-logo.
how can you embed it like that?
Hi Daniel,
I’m not sure why that is – it may have to do with the fact that I made this Prezi so long ago. (Thus be more about the Prezi itself, than the embed technique.) I also notice that it opens with just the play icon not an image of the prezi… don’t know what that is???
Here’s the what’s used to display the prezi above
Hope that helps.
Prezi has appeared to change their embedding capabilities. Have they taken away the option or am I just missing something in the new layout?
Hi Casey,
Thanks for the heads up. Prezi did change their settings. I updated the screen shots above to reflect the new process. Best of luck with your Prezi’s. ~ Peter
.prezi-player { width: 700px; } .prezi-player-links { text-align: center; }Tamas Pancel CV – Mechanical Design Engineer on Prezi
Hi Peter,
I embed my prezi on half year ago. It worked well! 🙂
Now I try to do the same with an updated prezi (copy of the previous) and I get only the code in my blog instead of the prezentation.
(I embed the code in my previous comment above to try if it works on this site, so you can check it)
Do you have any idea what can be the problem?
Páncél Tamás
Hi Tamás
I took a look at your prezi – nice CV. It looks like you have the wrong embed code. I sent you a different code via email. Be sure to take any formatting off it, and then be sure to insert it into the html section of your site (not directly into the post)
Best of luck. Let me know how it goes.
Hi Peter,
I tried your code and it worked!
Then I deleted it and tried to do it again on my own without your code. I did completely the same as yesterday (copied the code from and now it works well. (what was the problem yesterday)
Maybe your code set something… or there were some problem with the yesterday what has been fixed … I don’t know. Anyhow… now it works!
Thank You very much!
(to tell the truth, if next time I will have same problem I won’t be able to fix it without your help. Could you explain what was the “big deal” with it?)
Thanks a lot!
Hi All,
I am using the following code to embed (opening and closing braces removed ):
object data=”″ id=”myId” width=”100%” height=”330″
It loads up, without the start button.. but I can’t get the auto start or auto play features to initiate..
I am now thinking that i have to learn the API to trigger the presentation to start showing the path step by step..
Any help appreciated
Interesting question – but I’m afraid I don’t have an answer. Perhaps another reader does?
Or you might try support at Prezi. They’ve been very responsive to my queries.
Cheers ~ Peter
Nice resources for proposal seekers…….
I have already bookmarked it for future reference
I am using Prezi for a couple of years now. An hour ago I tried to embed a Prezi that I had reworked this afternoon, but I couldn’t get the embed code. I restarted my computer, still no joy. All I see is this (see link):
Did anybody else experience this recently? Any advice will be highly appreciated.
With kind regards,
Not I. Perhaps someone else?
Thanks, Peter, for your reply. Yesterday I forgot to mention some more details. I use Windows 8.1. The missing embed code happened in Google Chrome Version Version 38.0.2125.111 and Mozilla Firefox 32.0.3. and Internet Explorer version 11.
Then, I did another test with a Prezi that I was able to embed a week ago, but not today.
My next test: I started a brand new Prezi. And for this one, I got the embed code.
This is my conclusion: I used an old Prezi presentation (that used Flash at that time?) and reworked it yesterday, but the new Prezis use a different program (no longer flash; if I got that right).
My workaround:
I looked at the URL of my test Prezi and copied the embed code into a text program. It looks something like this:
Then, I saw that I only need to the “middle part” of the URL and replace it in the iframe. Now it works.
With kind regards,
Privacy setting has to be set to “hidden,” not to “private.”
pvsi_nwqfuwe = middle part
iframe src=”” width=”550″ height=”400″ frameBorder=”0″ webkitAllowFullScreen mozAllowFullscreen allowfullscreen
With kind regards
Glad you got this figured out. And thanks for sharing as comments to assist others.
Cheers, Peter
Hi there! We are in the process of launching a new website/blog and are exploring ways of making it more interactive with the limited access we have through the institution. One idea is through the use of prezi. Our concerns are both that it may/will not be compatible on mobile devices (specifically iOS) and also that when users navigate to the page, that it autoloads so they won’t have to click through the path. Do you have any experience with either of these issues when uploading prezi’s to webpages? We are working specifically with WordPress.
Hi Jaime,
I have embedded Prezis on my blog. They run fine on the desktop. But they do not run well in the mobile version of my website (a WordPress site). Prezi does make iOS mobile apps for iPad and iPhone that allow user to create or view a Prezi. You user would need to have that app and I’m not sure how well they run embedded Prezis.
Hope that helps, Peter
hi i am having problem in emedding prezi presentation on my blog. my blog is on wordpress please help
Some issues while embedding presentation, What to do?