A Prezi Guide to an Effective School – The Reflective Student, Teacher and Principal

Reflective School
Reflective School

This week I’m presenting at the “Teaching and Learning Conference” in Amphitheater SD (Tucson AZ). Next week, I will keynote at the “Rigor, Relevance and Relationships Leadership Conference” in Cyprus-Fairbank ISD (Houston TX). 

In addition to workshops on learning strategies and educational technology, I will feature a session on “Teaching, Learning and Leading in a Reflective School.” This workshop is based on my 4-part blog series “A Taxonomy of Reflection: Critical Thinking For Students, Teachers, and Principals.”

To visually introduce my taxonomy, I created the Prezi presentation below. Click on the arrow at the base of the Prezi to navigate. Then click “More” to view full screen or embed.  For a direct link to this Prezi click here.

Enjoy, reflect, and leave your feedback with a comment.

The Reflective School by Peter Pappas on Prezi

14 Replies to “A Prezi Guide to an Effective School – The Reflective Student, Teacher and Principal”

  1. Carl,
    Glad to hear you “took the leap.” Dr. Bonds told me it was very impressive. I’m looking forward to working with all the SAISD teachers this week. Be sure to bring you laptop so I can see your Prezi!

  2. Wow. You were in my neck of the woods. Unfortunately previous travel plans did not allow me to attend this conference.

    Oh yeah….FYI…Cypress-Fairbanks…not Cyprus.

  3. Really enjoyed your prezi. We are working on creating a formative development at my school. There is no more summative evaluation. It is all about teacher growth. Thanks!

    1. Hi Amanda,
      Glad you liked the Prezi. Formative is the way to go. Much more useful than a post mortem.
      You could incorporate some of the reflective prompts from the taxonomy. Follow the link to prompts for students, teachers and leaders here.

  4. Thanks, Peter. I just read your section on classroom walk throughs and am intrigued by this concept. is this anything similar to the instructional rounds model promoted by Harvard Graduate School of Education?

  5. Mr. Pappas,
    I so look forward to your post. They are full of the best insights to be a better teacher and a life longer learner as I facilitate learning in my classes.

    Thank you for keeping motivated!!!

  6. Thank you for this wonderful approach to reflection. We have been working towards helping teachers and studnets be more reflective. I like that it is tied to the taxonomy. Your work will be a great assest. I appreciate your willingness to share.

  7. I was struck by the video of the boy asking for advice on bow drill construction. this is significant in several levels – using digital technology to inquire about ‘primitive’ fire making technique; exploiting digital to reach the global village wisdom to gain this knowledge rather than the immediate environment; and finally being humble and vulnerable about asking help (ok, he did not show his face…).
    it is an effective way to use youtube to seek learning. I might even try it myself.

    1. Hi Osnat,
      Thanks for sharing your observations. (Frankly I had missed the irony of using modern technology to reach out for help on a primitive skill.) I admire this boy’s initiative in identifying his problem and crafting a way to reach out for advice. It reminds us that learning is social. Unfortunately our schools are obsessed with testing at the individual level – where getting help is “cheating.”

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