Selections from an American History Collection
Assembled by Peter Pappas


Lesson 1 How did Europeans view the new world and Native Americans?  How did viewpoints reflect beliefs and misperceptions?                             Back to Home Page

Suggested Tasks
1. Categorize info from document about the New World into geography, flora, fauna, climate
2. Categorize info from document about the New World culture 
3. Sort accounts of new world by positive vs. negative views
4. "Documenting My World": How would a visitor to your community  describe what they saw?.



Format Subject

New World as innocent "Eden" / abundant

Doc 1 Vespucci awakens America

Woodcut Awaken the virgin new world
Doc 2 Letters from Columbus Text Innocent and dependent Native Americans

Doc 3 Early Seal of Massachusetts Bay Colony

Woodcut Innocent and dependent Native Americans
Doc 11 John Smith Describes Virginia text land, weather, animals, plants 
Doc 17 Adam and Eve in America image De Bry 

New World as innocent "exotic / fantastic"

Doc 4 Details from 1562 Map of America Map Cannibals and Giants in the new world
Doc 5 Beavers building a dam Woodcut Fantastic view of beavers working
Doc 21 Whale Assists in the Discovery of the New World image the fantasy of the new world
Doc 24 America image The exotic (people and animals) of New Amsterdam
Doc 27 Fantastic New World Animal image  

Positive accounts of Native American

Doc 7 DeSoto meets a young female Indian chief. text Kindly Indians taken into slavery
Doc 10 Native Americans are better than us text European takes the side of NA
Doc 15 De Bry How They Till the Soul and Plant image men and women planting. dress
Doc 16 The Tovvne of Secota image De Bry  town
Doc 26 William Wood describes the health of the Indians text sparse life makes them healthy
Doc 28 Indians Playing Ball on Ice image representation of lacrosse on ice

Negative  accounts of Native American - primitive, warlike, cruel

Doc 6 de Vaca describes attack by Indians  text Skill and strength of Indian warriors
Doc 8 Tricking the Indians text Using a mirror to trick the Indians
Doc 13 Amerigo Vespucci describes the Indians text people, homes, no religion, warlike
Doc 14 Two writers describe the difference between Indian Men and women text hard working women "slaves" vs lazy men
Doc 22 "California" (European Crowned by Natives) image early fantasy view of Native Americans in awe of Europeans
Doc 23 Warfare between Euro and Indians image early fantasy view of fighting
Doc 25 The Indians Should Be Conquered and Exterminated text Virginia Company 1622

Exotic  accounts of Native American

Doc 9 White and DeBry images images Many images to chose from as watercolors and prints at:
virtual jamestown More  DeBry Prints
Doc 12 John Smith describes Indians text stature, tattoos
Doc 18 Habitants de Californie image early image of CA natives
Doc 19 The Deer Hunt image shows hunting techniques
Doc 20 Sea Monster with Indian King and Court on Top image the fantasy of the new world


Selections from an American History Collection
Assembled by Peter Pappas

Copyright © 1997-2006, 
Peter Pappas
, unless otherwise noted,
All rights reserved.